Francesco c.

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Provaglio d'Iseo, Lombardia, Italy

Über Francesco c.

44 Jahre alt | pasticciere

Hello to everyone :-D We are Francesco and Chiara. We are 38 and 40 years old and we are a married couple living in the north of Italy, near a beautiful lake called " Iseo" and the "Garda Lake". Near our town you can find also the famous "Franciacorta Wine" and nice places to visit. We live in a big house, we are the owners of it, we have a big garden, a pool and gazebo to spend our days eating in good company of friends or our families. We have no children, but we have two pets. A dog 8 years old called " Sciarpina", and a cat 11 years old called " Bimba". From her childhood , my wife grew up with cats and she cared of them cuddling, giving food and playing with them. Of course we are able to take care of animals and clean their sleeping zone or the cat litter. My wife is tender and really in love of animals, especially with cats, and she is an amazing, caring housewife and pet sitter. I love dogs also a lot and often I like to walk with Sciarpina , so we would be also available and happy, to bring your pet outside and take long walks with them. My mother in law has a bird and when she travels, i care for him every year. We love travelling and discovering new places and countries, as much as, knowing new people especially outside Italy. That's why we would really like to start this new experience, and I am sure, you will be satisfied by us. We are open minded persons, we love talking and hearing new opinions and compare our experiences with yours. Be sure, we would care of your house how it could be ours. With love and attention. If you need to contact me, I will be happy to give you more details of us or photos of our pets. We hope to hear you soon ! :-D

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Chiara , 46 Jahre alt, casalinga, Ehepartner / Partner

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