Brad and crystal a.

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Brisbane City, Queensland, Australia

Über Brad and crystal a.

52 Jahre alt | Consulting Engineer (Brad) / Crystal (Strategic Management for the NGO Sector)

- About Bradley & Crystal -

Brad and Crystal are an honest, professional and easy going couple. We have financially secure and flexible professions focused on the international development cooperation sector that allow us to live anywhere in the world. We absolutely love animals and have experience caring for pets large and small.

Brad is a resource efficiency engineer from the United States. He is a passionate gardener and has a keen interest in conservation and sustainability. Crystal is from Zimbabwe and works as in an international development consultant. She is a keen hiker and also enjoys practicing yoga. Crystal and Brad have over ten years of experience as international development sector professionals, but have also spent two years as Australian Government sponsored volunteer service with an Indonesia based NGO focused on the promotion of Permaculture.

Brad and Crystal have lived and worked in Australia, Asia, the US, the Middle East, Africa, Europe and South America. We are comfortable living almost anywhere with good, conversational foreign language skills and can be available on fairly short notice. We are a non-smoking couple.

Brad and Crystal own a home in Brisbane but are still enjoying a more nomadic lifestyle for the time being.

- Why we want to house sit -

We are both animal-lovers, but our globe trotting lifestyle means that this is the one element of our lives that is currently missing. Brad is also a keen gardener and missing having a bit of time tending a patch! Brad and Crystal also have a shared passion for experiencing the world one location at a time and learning about life from different perspectives.

We work all over the world and house sitting fits with our professions and our personal value of seeking new adventures, meeting interesting people and experiencing interesting cultures. We want to use the flexibility of our lifestyle in exchange for providing a trusted home and pet sitting service.

- Our experience -

Brad and Crystal have cared for friend's homes and animals in Australia, US, Indonesia and Geneva. We have always jumped at the opportunity to experience a new location and tend animals.

Crystal grew up on a farm in Zimbabwe with horses, cattle, goats, pigs and poultry. Crystal's first exposure to pet-sitting was at the tender age of seven years as the farm also featured dog kennels and a cattery to tend pets while their owners went on holiday. The home in Zimbabwe was always filled with d

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Crystal, 49 Jahre alt, Strategic Management Consulting for NGO Sector, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch | Französisch

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