Sophie S.

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Victoria, Australia

Über Sophie S.

27 Jahre alt | Au Pair | Als Paar/Duo

We are two Aussie gals who have been friends for years. We both have a passion for travel and are always seeking new experiences. We love meeting new people throughout our travels and are both HUGE animal lovers. I've grown up in a household with cats, dogs, sheep and chickens and spent time looking after friend’s animals over the years. Anna has grown up in a household with cats and dogs, and has also done volunteer work in an animal sanctuary for several years.

I am currently living and working near Birmingham in the UK as a live-in Au Pair. I've been here since November 2022 and am looking to head home to Australia later this year after a bit more travel throughout Europe. Anna is currently living and working on Hamilton Island in Australia as a Personal Trainer. She plans to do a couple of months of travel throughout Europe and Africa from July onwards.

I only speak English, however understand some basics of French. Anna speaks both English and French.

We will treat your pet/s and home with absolute consideration and care. We are both neat and tidy people and take pride in ourselves and the environment we are a part of.

We look forward to making new memories and new friends (including fur friends!) :)

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Anna, 36 Jahre alt, Personal Trainer, Freund

Gesprochene Sprache(n)

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