Luisa b.

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Rio de Janeiro, State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Über Luisa b.

31 Jahre alt | TV Programming Coordinator

I'm Luisa, a brazilian girl in my twenties, how loves travelling in every chance I have. Together with Nubia, my partner and soul mate, we have a goal to propose to each other in every place we meet. We have a lovely apartment in Rio de Janeiro, where we live with our two adorable cats and our beautiful mini cactus and succulents. We work in a Sports Channel in Brazil, so we love watching sports and TV. We also love to spend time doing outdoors activities and knowing new places, although the thing we most do back home is staying at home with our cats, because they are so friendly. We enjoy going to bars to meet new people ( we love learning from different experiences and cultures) and we love to taste different types of food and love having amazing meals. We have a dream to live in a big house so we can have lots of dogs, cats, headhogs and beautiful garden.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Nubia, 37 Jahre alt, TV Product Manager, Ehepartner / Partner

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