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Goiânia, State of Goiás, Brazil


65 Jahre alt | retired - | Allein

My name is Sandra Michelone Cavicchioli. I have double nationality, brazilian and Italian.

I speak Portuguese, English, Italian (practicing), Spanish (need to practice).

You can see my profiles on the Instagram @sandramichelone or Facebook.

I,m retired, divorced, I am 64 years old , mother of two, Bruno Michelone de Carvalho and Thais Michelone de Carvalho. You can find them on the Instagram too. Thais is a vocalista of OUSEL , brazilian band @ousel.

I recently wrote my first book , MEMÓRIAS QUE O TEMPO NÃO APAGA - histórias contadas e recontadas há quase 100 anos, (Memories that time does not erase - histories told and retold for almost a hundred years - my parents life history) that you can find on the internet,

I decided to spend some months traveling around Europe and I´m in Portugal at the moment, at my nephew´s house, but I´m going to Italy next monday, august 21rst.

I´m a loving and reliable person and I love animals . Actually, we have, in Brazil, a cute Maltez , Lipy and two amazing and loving cats, Romeu and Dexter, which I love so much.

This is my first experience as a Housesitter. Just my daughter treveled using worldpackers and calfsurfing.
I´d love to have the oportunity to have this kind of experience and know people around the world.
best regards,


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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch | Portugiesisch

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