Thais S.

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Rio de Janeiro, State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


Über Thais S.

46 Jahre alt | Restaurante Manager | Allein

Hello there! Hope everything is fine 😍 I'm a vegan Brazilian restaurant manager plus a Veterinary Medicine Doctor, I have 5 lovely and fluffly cats and 1 cute 13 years old daughter.
I have a lot experience with pets, love all of tem ❤️I don't smoke and don't drink, want to see beauty of Europe. I'm making my dream come true traveling now. I just had divorce (1 year ago) and I'm going alone to Paris, to finnally realize my dream! Im so happy! One of my loves besides my daughter are my cats. The mother one its called Channel and the oldest it's called Benjamin Franklin! While my daughter will stay her vacation with her father and my mom will watch my cats, I'm going to Europe and from some work friends, I hear about this Nomador site! I have a lot of experience with pets (of course 🤣) Would be a pleasure to sitt your pet and your house. I will treat as mine! Thank you so much for your attention ❤️❤️🐶🐶🐱🐱

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Englisch | Portugiesisch

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Jasmine C.

Montreuil, France - August 2023

Thais took care of my cat during one week. She spent a lot of time with him and let the flat very clean. I noticed she was very careful. I definitely recommend Thais to take care of your pets and home.

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