Eloisa v.

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Walla Walla, Washington, United States


Über Eloisa v.

57 Jahre alt | Architect

Good afternoon,

For the first time in my life, the nature of my work is allowing me to travel and work remotely. I've been in love with the places that have influenced my favorite painters.....Van Gaux, Monet, Cezanne, Dali and many others. That said, I choose to look for places to stay that will put me in the midsts of their inspiration.

I am a world traveler, speaking fluent Spanish and English. I have lived both in large urban areas, small villages, out in the forest and on dairy farms. I appreciate the contrasts of urban and rural life. I grew up in New Orleans and spent my summers visiting family in Honduras, Costa Rica, Mexico and Spain.

I recently moved from Seattle Washington to the wine producing area of Walla Walla. It is in Seattle that I ran an Airbnb. Please follow link to see reviews about how well I took care of my guests and maintained the property. I am a cabinet maker and painter and all the woodwork inside the apartment I built myself. Please look at https://www.airbnb.com/rooms/19893487 for reviews from my guests.

As for animals, I have had many dogs in my life, most recently a poodle and dachshund. I've also cared for rabbits, chickens and small birds. I enjoy walking dogs and cuddling in bed with them. I have taken care of cats, even bottle feeding kittens. I have also cared for turtles, hamsters and fish.

I am looking for opportunities to experience a sense of history and connection to what makes the place you chose as your home to be just that....home.

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch

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Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Victoria m.

Portland, United States - September 2019

Eloisa is not just a reliable person but also a truly loving person. We have a fifteen year old and a young puppy with Addison disease - both dogs need a lot of care and attention. Eloisa gave them their meds, took them for walks and even a beach vacation. She let them sleep with her and cuddled them with great joy. All along she sends you pictures and quick updates of how they are doing. My babies were really loved. In addition, Eloisa, an ex-architect was quite handy in the house. We had an out break of ants that she dutifully solved while keeping the house in order and clean. It was a pleasure to have Eloisa at our home. We give her 5 Stars. Thank you so much.

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