Britta b.

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Hartsdale, New York, United States

Über Britta b.

53 Jahre alt | Exec Admin to Fortune 100 CHRO

My husband and I are starting to explore the semi retirement life and after house and dogsitting for local friends and paying customers for many years are ready to do the same abroad. I have owned several cats and many dogs, mainly retired racing greyhounds as well as Galgos and Shepherd/Lab mixes. I have been an adoption rep and board member of, and am familiar with many dog personality types from boisterous to shy and know my way around basic dog medication and sick care.
Having owned a house and property and currently owning an apartment, we are familiar with taking care of different living environments and get along well with neighbours.
We are quite types who love a good conversation, museums, and the outdoors. Being an assistant to the head of HR of a major global company, I am well organized and prepared for all kinds of emergencies.
We will take good care of your pets as well as your home.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Joan (John), 48 Jahre alt, Bartender & Life Coach, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch | Spanisch

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