Cherie r.

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Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Über Cherie r.

36 Jahre alt | Textile Designer / Patternmaker

Hi there! Luke and I are a couple in our 30s, hailing from Melbourne Australia. We are lucky enough to currently be living as "digital nomads", travelling the world and working remotely on the internet. I work creatively, as a designer and patternmaker in the fashion industry. Luke is a technical person, and works as a software engineer doing things I don't really understand. We've been together for 11 years.

We absolutely love animals. My phone is full of pictures of cats I meet everywhere I go. At the moment we don't have any pets of our own, though we have a lot of experience with them. We've both had cats and dogs and Luke's Dad bred samoyeds and labradors when he was growing up.

I also love gardening and especially vegetable gardens. Luke has a brown thumb, but I won't let him touch your plants.

We greatly appreciate the folks that welcome us into their homes and trust us to care for their animals and belongings. It's a big reponsibility that we take very seriously.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Luke, 42 Jahre alt, Software Engineer, Ehepartner / Partner

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