Connor m.

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Salida, Colorado, United States

Über Connor m.

31 Jahre alt | Conservation Corps Crew Leader

Hi there! Our names are Caitlin and Connor, we are best friends who happen to be dating. Currently based out of Salida CO, we work for an AmeriCorps funded program called the Southwest Conservation Corps. We both lead groups of young adults into the Wilderness for 9 days at a time to work on trails. Caitlin does mostly sawing with her crew, and Connor does killer rock work on a 14er.

Our season ends mid November and we are in search of a a fun and cozy way to spend our winter. Caitlin is from Massachusetts and is advocating to be back in New England, and Connor has dreams of finding work in a warmer state. Wherever we end up, we are just excited to see something new.

Both of us are dog and cat lovers! We both have many years of experience loving pets and are hoping to find a house sitting gig that includes a furry companion.

Both of us have been responsibly renting apartments/houses for years and consider ourselves tidy and organized individuals. (Once we aren't building trails :)

Caitlin likes to mountain bike, hike, read, garden, and play piano. Connor loves rock climbing, making new friends, and eating cookies

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Caitlin, Conservation Corps Crew Leader, Ehepartner / Partner

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