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Asheville, North Carolina, United States

Letzte Aktivität: vor 3 Monaten

Über Dorus

57 Jahre alt | Business Owner, and .net, | Allein

Raised in a house with 8 cats (!) and 1 Newfoundland. My first dog was a Golden Retriever, next a Rottie mix and last was Duncan the fearless Dachshund, my BFF! I often help friends with dog issues which are most always human issues. I also help fostering and socializing rescue dogs. I currently do not have a pet and I do take that commitment seriously. I am looking for the right fit Dachshund mix.
I am a big believer in communication yet I am strongly dyslexic and do my best. I like 'clean' and do get a bit OCD with it but cleaning/detailing has been my job since college. I detailed cars since my youth and now specialized in ceramic coating yet my main work and income is from my small business of products I engineered, I have build this up from 2007 and now can do much of the work with laptop while relying on my employees/friends at our shop space.
I also enjoy gardening, cycling, camping, fishing... and of course I prefer a dog as my camping buddy. I have lived and worked in NYC, Prince Edward Island Canada, Santiago Chile, Amsterdam Holland, Madrid Spain, and spent time in Paris, Lyon, Montpellier France, Athens Greece.
I can provide many references, my veterinarian, friends with pets and friends with Air B & B properties with which I have helped. I hope I can help you and your furry friends.

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