Britt t.

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Haywards Heath, England, United Kingdom

Über Britt t.

59 Jahre alt | Retired airline pilot and cabin crew

We are a professional retired couple in our fifties with excellent diy skills under our belt having renovated properties over the years. We can turn our hand to most things and deal with problems that may arise. My husband is a retired airline captain and I am a retired baby nursery nurse. We love dogs having had them all of our 22 married years. We reside in the UK but are worldwide traveled. We are happy to house sit large houses with gardens in a warm or hot climate. We will treat your pets like our own giving them all of the attention and care that they require. We aim to protect and care for your home whilst you are away, leaving your home exactly as you left it. Neither of us drink or smoke.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
John, 65 Jahre alt, Retired, Ehepartner / Partner

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