Ebony k.

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Hobart, Tasmania, Australia

Über Ebony k.

38 Jahre alt | Pharmacy/Dispensary Technician

Alot of my house sitting experience has been more for the pets than the house. I'm afraid I'm one of those people that can hold a deep and meaningful with your cat far than better than I could with yourself. But sometimes the houses are furr free and I happily ramble around on my own in those scenarios too. I regularly house/pet sit with an organisation called Madpaws and am hoping that my housesitting may result in a little adventure in more exotic locations than Hobart, Tasmania next year. I am planning a great winter thaw through July-Sept and hope some of you would be willing accomplices. You never know- it could become a regular arrangement that suits us both.
I am reliable, honest and trustworthy and conduct myself with the greatest respect while in your home.

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