Shelly m.

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Burlington, Ontario, Canada

Über Shelly m.

Social Media Marketing Manager

Hi there! We are Shelly and Al McCullough, a young and fun Canadian couple that have been house sitting in Central America since August 2014.

We both enjoy house sitting and looking after OPP's (Other People's Pets) because each house sit is different, and each animal is different so we get to see so many quirky pet personalities. It also gives us a chance to have pets again, since we had to put our beloved Greyhound down a few years ago. :(

Al is a writer and Shelly is a Social Media Manager. We work online so internet is very important to us. We also both like to have some chores to do though, which is why house sitting is so great. We get to do the things we did back in Canada before we started travelling. And if you have any small projects, well, Al's nickname happens to be Handy Al because he loves doing odd handy-man jobs.

We've always kept a neat and tidy home and are very organized. And even though we've been married for over 12 years now, we're still an awesome team!

Hiring us to be your house sitters will make both you and us very happy, and sorry to say, but your pets won't even notice you're gone! :)


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Meine Reisebegleiter
Al, Writer, Ehepartner / Partner

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