Alex b.

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Las Vegas, Nevada, United States

Über Alex b.

49 Jahre alt | Semi-Retired

Hello fellow traveler! I'm called Alex. I'm a well-traveled individual having been around the globe at least a couple times thus far for work. I've lived and worked outside the USA for a total of almost 10 years in the Systems (computers) field. I recently decided to slow down on working so much. Now I like to leisure travel and share experiences in life while continuing to learn from my new surroundings and others' lives without expectations (except those I pay for). I enjoy really trying to live outside the tourist stuff on the road. I do not smoke, am very clean, quiet and respectful of your space and hospitality. I also had pet cats & reptiles previously, and am okay with dogs too (preferably bigger). I usually prefer a warm home atmosphere more than a sterile, cold hotel-like experience. I'm also an addicted user of the CouchSurfing community; both hosting visitors in my home for free, and meeting/staying with others in their homes all over the world. I also have almost 40 references on Airbnb: all positive. Thanks, Alex

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