Maria gabriela b.

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Quito, Pichincha, Ecuador

Über Maria gabriela b.

34 Jahre alt | Graphic Designer

We are Terry and María, we are 28 years old, we are a couple that we have decided to share our journey towards our dreams and goals together, since 11 years ago. We were both born in Venezuela, and we are currently living in Quito, which has been our home for 3 years. We believe that the time has come to undertake new adventures and meet new people in our life traveling the world. One of the many things we have in common is our love and respect for life, especially towards the noble domestic animals that need special love and care. Currently we do not have children, we live in our freedom, taking all the small opportunities that life offers us to be happy together.
In our free time we just go to play tennis, enjoy outdoor sports and long walks in the city or the park, discover the small details of the cities we have visited, we are pleased with our daily life. We are movie lovers, this is another of our favorite hobbies. We love spending time together on the couch enjoying a good cinematographic work. Another of our hobbies is the kitchen, we love to experiment with new flavors and find different sensations in our palate.
The bike rides, is another of the things that we enjoy the most, because, besides sharing and enjoying together, we like to be part of an eco-friendly solution with the planet.
We are faithful believers that good treatment of animals makes us better human beings. The animals that we have had the fortune to have at home as part of our lives, unfortunately are no longer physically with us, however, from them we have received infinite blessings and learnings, which today make us happier, more respectful and sensitive people
We love knowing different places and we enjoy enriching our culture, with different cultures. We both speak English and that has helped us to know different parts of the world, until now, our favorite place was Paris, we loved it, especially for the amount of interesting museums and the many corners of the city full of history.
María studied advertising for 5 years at a University of Caracas Venezuela. Where he got his degree in advertising. For 8 years she has been dedicated to graphic design and creation of content related to digital marketing, she has worked in several advertising agencies, but a year ago she decided to do it on her own and is dedicated to making her designs as a freelancer. In addition, it is Community manager of different accounts and this allows you to work from anywhere in the world.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Terry Lobo, 35 Jahre alt, Software Engineer, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch

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