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Quito, Pichincha, Ecuador

Letzte Aktivität: vor 2 Wochen

Über Daniela

30 Jahre alt | Student | Allein

Hello! My name is Daniela, and I am currently embarking on my first great adventure far from home. As a master student, I have the opportunity to explore Europe and immerse myself in its diverse cultures and landscapes. My journey has brought me to Greece, which has been an amazing experience, but I am eager to discover even more places.

I have a deep love for nature and enjoy capturing its beauty through landscape photography. I am always on the lookout for new places to explore, and traveling is helping me grow in countless ways. One of my goals is to improve my language skills while meeting wonderful people and learning from their cultures. My native language is Spanish, and I speak English fluently. I understand French well, although I’m a bit shy when it comes to speaking it.

I am thrilled to be part of Nomador, as it aligns perfectly with my desire to explore and connect with new environments. I am a responsible and organized individual. I don't drink or smoke, and I treat everyone with respect and kindness. Despite my introverted nature, I believe in the value of the small things in life, such as enjoying a wonderful dinner (vegetarian for me) with friends. Family is also very important to me.

Originally from Quito, Ecuador, I am a fast learner and enjoy the challenge of improving and learning new languages. Sports are another interest of mine, and I appreciate the balance they bring to my life. I am excited about the opportunities ahead and can't wait to see where my next destination will be. Looking forward to meeting you!

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch | Französisch

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