Daharis p.

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York, Pennsylvania, United States


Über Daharis p.

33 Jahre alt | Travel Blogger, Photographer and Video Creator

Lovely to meet you! I am a lifestyle and travel blogger, YouTuber and photographer that loves to share my admiration for this world. I travel with my partner and best friend, Kale and together we create videos to help people grow and love the life they live.

I studied communication, lived in South Korea as an English teacher for elementary students and I speak Spanish fluently.

To celebrate life, I choose to have a positive and joyful outlook - knowing that life is always expanding and working out for everyone. I am very happy to be alive and experiencing this gift of life.

We live with our two puppies, Kiwi and Chloe and my brother and sister in the States. We are lovers of animals, nature and enjoy making new friends! Kale and I both grew up with many animals in our lives including Germans Shepherd, Yorkies, rabbits, cats, fish and birds.

As experienced house sitters, we truly understand the value of respecting for your home and caring for your pets. We enjoy house sitting because we are also travelers and know the importance of having our dogs and home looked after by someone we trust. We have house sitting experiences all over the world and look forward to taking care of your needs. Thanks in advance!

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Kale, 31 Jahre alt, Window Cleaner, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch

Erhaltene Komplimente

Gibt Neuigkeiten

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Jennifer l.

Washington, United States - April 2019

Daharis was a great house-sitter. She was helpful with keeping the house in order, and jumped in to help with an emergency plumbing problem that would have been extremely difficult to handle without her! Highly recommend.

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