Nicole g.

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Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia

Über Nicole g.

49 Jahre alt | University academic

Hi there, our names are Nicole and Steve and our son is Remy. We are keen to find house sit placements in 2019 worldwide.

We are conscientious professionals in our 40's and will treat your property with the upmost respect. Being home owners we understand the personal and financial investment that goes into a home and will do all that we can to instil trust and confidence in you.

Perhaps one day you may like to enjoy our part of the world and sit for us too!

We really enjoy immersing ourselves into a community and look forward to exploring all that there is to appreciate in your part of the world. We are available commencing March until March 2020 and understand this may require multiple locations.

We currently live on an executive style acreage on the Gold Coast of Australia and have years of experience maintaining the property to a high standard. Our house has polished timber floors and an abundance of glass which all requires an awareness of care.

We also have a variety of plants from native to tropical species and are experienced in horticulture. We are also very experienced with powered and non powered garden tools and equipment. Swimming pools are in a very high number of households so we have plenty of experience in maintenance.

We are non smokers and do not drink. We are open to all styles of homes and neighbourhoods. We love taking care of our home and would be honoured to have an opportunity to spend time living and taking care of yours, whilst you are away.

We have two dogs and have experience with cats also. Our son is gentle and kind and will be loving toward your animal/s.

Remy will be home-schooled (through an approved distance education provider while we travel), and Nicole will work from home too, so we will spend a lot of time at home with your pets.

We look forward to hearing from you!

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Steve, Consultant, Ehepartner / Partner
Remy, Kind

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