Celeste m.

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Salt Lake City, Utah, United States


Über Celeste m.

38 Jahre alt | yoga instructor/ online teacher

I am a college graduate, teacher, and a travel writer! I love teaching yoga. I also teach English as a second language online. I am based in Utah, U.S.A. I am open to exploring anywhere the world takes me. Sometimes my partner will join me while traveling, but he is a full-time graduate student so his schedule is not as flexible. We have two rescued cats of our own: Chloe and Crash. I love animals, (especially dogs and cats). I grew up with horses so I also have some farm experience! I am only a beginner at gardening but I open to learning! This summer/fall I will be in Europe and then finish out the year in Asia. I hope to meet your pets a long the way!

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Henry T., 31 Jahre alt, Public Adminstration, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Portugiesisch

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Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Shannon d.

Baltimore, United States - Juli 2019

Celeste was an amazing house-sitter and my cats fell in love with her. We were gone for nearly 3 weeks and came home to a spotlessly clean house, and more importantly, cats who were glossy, fat and happy. They didn't even miss us! She communicated regularly and sent photos to show the cats having fun and enjoying their vacation from us. It was a huge relief to be able to travel and know our cats and our home were in good hands.

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