Shannon d.

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Baltimore, Maryland, United States


Über Shannon d.

55 Jahre alt | Marketing Director

We're a couple in our fifties, getting close to retirement and dreaming about all the trips we're going to take! I'm in marketing and he does logistics and fleet management. We are avid travelers who enjoy being a little off the beaten path and getting a taste of the real culture in the places we visit. We like to hike all day and come back to a comfortable bed at night (or at least one of us does, the other would just as soon sleep outside). At home, we like to walk everywhere and try new restaurants, and in the evenings read a book or watch a movie with cuddled up with our cats.

This is our first foray into house-sitting and we're hoping to meet some fellow travelers who also need trusted home-sitters.

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Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Celeste m.

Salt Lake City, United States - Juli 2019

Shannon and Bert are a kind and out-going couple with two of the sweetest (and yes neediest) cats I've ever met. I didn't want to ever leave them! Sid will follow you around and keep you company throughout the house, while Willow likes to do her own thing and then come get her attention time when she's ready. They are both very well tempered animals with lots of personality. Shannon and Bert were very welcoming and kept open communication which I appreciated even though they were on a different continent. They gave clear instructions, (also appreciated) on what to expect from the cats as well as around the neighborhood. They provided tons of recommendations on things to do, see, and eat in the area. Baltimore is full of history and culture and is great place to just take a walk around. Their (beautiful) home is warm, well equipped, and I felt safe staying there. I would go back and watch these two spoiled cats in an instant. Thank-you for allowing me to get to know them and experience a little bit of your fascinating city.

Martha d.

Richmond, United States - Februar 2019

Shannon and Bert were very thoughtful in getting us set up before they left. We had frequent communication leading up to their departure, and they hosted us the night before so we were comfortable with their cats and home. They were responsive to my questions during their time away as well. The cats are adorable and we enjoyed caring for them, and their house is within walking distance of many restaurants and shops, and an art museum. It was a fun urban experience to stay there.

Logement de Shannon d.

Maryland, United States

1 Katze

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