Martha d.

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Richmond, Virginia, United States


Über Martha d.

64 Jahre alt | Interior Design

We are a professional couple currently living near Washington, DC. We're getting close to  retirement years and would like to broaden our horizons and make furry friends through house sitting. Martha is self-employed (providing administrative services to small businesses), and George runs a pediatric cancer non-profit organization (we're both able to work remotely).

We have three successful house sit under our belts and can also provide references from Airbnb rentals. We're extremely conscientious housekeepers, and will care for your pets as if they're our own. We're non-smokers and live a quiet lifestyle. Our interests include art, music, history, and several outdoor activities (hiking, biking, skiing, kayaking). We're open to both urban and rural areas.

We’re happy to FaceTime in order to “meet” you and get acquainted. We look forward to having different experiences and meeting wonderful people and pets through the world of house sitting!

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Meine Reisebegleiter
George, 68 Jahre alt, CEO Pediatric Cancer Nonprofit, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)

Erhaltene Komplimente

Lokaler Kulturführer
Gibt Neuigkeiten

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Shannon d.

Baltimore, United States - Oktober 2019

What a great housesit! Martha and George are so welcoming and their home is beautiful. I spent 10 days enjoying their community near DC but away from the hustle and full of small-town charm. Lots of great hiking, wineries, restaurants and then just a short drive into the city. The house is spotless and very comfortable with all sorts of amenities. I felt very spoiled from staying there!

Shannon d.

Baltimore, United States - Februar 2019

I wish I could select more badges! Martha and George were the perfect house sitters for us. They took care of our high maintenance cats and sent us regular updates on how they were doing. We came home to a spotless house and a warm welcome home message. Most importantly, the cats were relaxed and happy, signs that they had been well taken care of. I hope they enjoyed their time there! This was our first foray into house-sitting with Nomador and we could not be more pleased.

Logement de Martha d.

Loudoun County, United States

1 Katze

Dieser Eigentümer hat bereits 2 Aufenthalt bei Nomador abgeschlossen

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