Heather g.

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Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom

Über Heather g.

36 Jahre alt | Retail Manager

We're a young couple who love to travel and admittedly have little housesitting experience other than looking after our friends and families homes but are excited to try and get involved with the community!

I've recently turned 30 and have been travelling for the last 5 years. I'm now looking for different experiences other than youth hostels and cheap hotels. Adam is 26 and the kindest, most positive soul who is up for anything!

Adam and I met while teaching kids English in Prague, Czech Republic in 2013. Most recently I have been managing a Gap clothing store in Banff, Canada while he was the IT guy in an elementary school in Chelan, Washington. We've decided to make the move to New Zealand together for the next year and looking forward or exploring it!

We are both super trustworthy humans. We believe you should treat others how you would like to be treated... with respect and kindness! Animal lovers of all kinds, although Im the cat lady while Adam loves dogs!

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Adam, 32 Jahre alt, IT, Ehepartner / Partner

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