Eloisia w.

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London, England, United Kingdom

Über Eloisia w.

39 Jahre alt | Project Manager

We're a couple in our 30s; I work as a project manager for a small marine conservation project and my partner is a web developer who is able to work remotely as and when he needs to.
We are brand new to the house sitting website, although we have done some pet sitting for a couple of friends and for a few strangers too, which was lots of fun, for both cats and dogs. We are currently staying at a house in Thailand, which comes with a cat and a kitten, we've been here for 2 months.
We would love to pet sit while I'm inbetween projects, we've been away from the UK moving through Asia for the last year.
I've had dogs and my partner has had cats, so we can make a great pet team. I'm a huge animal lover hence my field of work, and together we have experience with reptiles, birds, horses, dogs and smaller creatures.
We're also green fingered so can take care of any plants, whether house plants, garden plants or herbs/veggies.
I'd love to house sit on occasion- as I spend most my time either on remote islands or working 24/7 looking after volunteers for the project so it would be nice on occasions to feel grounded in a house and take care of some furry friends. My partner and I are responsibile, calm individuals - we don't drink or smoke- just healthy living and travelling.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Matt, 37 Jahre alt, Developer/programing, Ehepartner / Partner

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