Jen j.

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Cazadero, California, United States

Über Jen j.

39 Jahre alt | Hospitality

A little bit of background information: I’m Korean, born in Brazil. My folks took me to Chicago when I was 3 years old, which is where I spent my childhood. I moved back to Brazil for high school. Then moved to Hawaii, where I resided for most of my early adult life. Hawaii holds a very special place in my heart, and will always be considered home. After having been in Hawaii for 12 years, I was ready to shake things up so I sold all of my belongings and embarked on a backpacking trip around Southeast Asia. After backpacking for a few months, I fell in love with Thailand (my home away from home) and ended up living there for nearly a year. I was residing in Los Angeles for the last 1.5 years. I'm currently taking time off to do Workaway and travel, as well as house/pet sit.


Professionally, I have multifaceted experience ranging from food & beverage, hospitality, to sales, and special education.

I'm super detail oriented, very organized and tidy. I'm excellent help in and around the house. I've got a great sensibility for design, color, fashion, photography. I spent the last decade working in hospitality. In addition, I spent a few years volunteering and working with special needs children. I was a hospice volunteer for a brief moment in my life but the impact was far from brief. I also volunteered at convalescent homes.

I have house+pet sat for many, many friends and am very much looking forward to taking the utmost care of your abode and pets!

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Portugiesisch

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