Tony r.

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Maidstone, England, United Kingdom

Letzte Aktivität: vor 3 Monaten

Über Tony r.

70 Jahre alt | Teacher

We are both from academic backgrounds. Jan recently retired from her university lecturer role. She has a background in Occupational Therapy. Jan has since had several volunteer roles.
Tony also has a university background and for the past 4 years worked part time as an art teacher in an International college and has also recently retired. He has also been a Duke of Edinburgh Leader for several years and is a qualified British Cycling coach.
We are both pet lovers and had cats until our last one died 3 years ago. As much as we would like another we have not done so as we have a daughter in New Zealand and regularly travel there.
We have done numerous house and pet sits over the past four years in Europe, UK and New Zealand and have recommendations from these.
We are both responsible, practical and caring people with a love of animals but also understand the need to look after the house we are staying in.
We also enjoy the countryside and are keen walkers and gardeners and enjoy travel.
Jan was brought up on a farm and our daughter was a young farmer for several years.
It is quite likely that only one of us will be able to house sit during certain periods.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Jan, 69 Jahre alt, retired lecturer, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch | Französisch |

Erhaltene Komplimente

Sehr freundlich
Gibt Neuigkeiten

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Nathalie b. b.

Saint-Tropez, France - November 2019

Cher Tony , Nous n' avons pas eu le plaisir de nous rencontrer mais à mon retour ma maison et mon chat m' ont accueilli comme si j'etais partie la veille...Je vous remercie encore d' avoir pris soin de ma petite Oykyemma. Elle va bien ;-D . Je vous souhaite une très bonne continuation sur Nomador ou ailleurs! Cordialement Nathalie

patricia L.

Belfort, France - September 2019

Tony and Jen were the perfect house-sitters,and very easy going and friendly people, all the animals were well cared for and the house left clean and tidy, I would recommend them them to anyone, anywhere

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