Nela & honza k.

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Ústí nad Orlicí, Pardubice Region, Czech Republic

Über Nela & honza k.

36 Jahre alt | digital nomad, landlord of several flats and owner of the real estate agency

Hello, we are a couple from Czech Republic (Nela 31, Honza 33), experienced in house renting (we have several flats and cottage which we rent to tenants and tourists).
We are pet lovers (especially dogs because we both grew up with dogs in our families). Nowadays, we have a dog called Rozarka (5 year old Yorkshire terrier). Our grandmother takes care of her during our stays abroad.
We have also a nearly three-year-old daughter, Sofie, who is very social, loves animals and is very nice and quiet ... maybe also because she goes to Montessori kindergarten (we are very interested in alternative education).

We are responsible and hate smoking. In our free time, we like walking, we visit dog shelters during weekends, we go to our cottage in the mountains, reading books, practising power joga etc.
I am also interested in investing in real estate, I am landlord of several flats for rent. Moreover I have own real estate agency. My boyfriend is an insurance assessor and also trades stocks so he works from home too. It is great that we are both some kind of digital nomad which allows us to work from abroad.

What can we offer you?
As we also have a dog and rent our flats, we know how it feels to leave your pet and property to someone else. We feel great responsibility and we will appreciate your trust and confidence. We will also be happy to send you news and photos from your home as you can see how it's going out there. And if is is ok, we can arrive one day earlier in order to get to know your darling better, to learn all little details and specifics. As we love spending time outside and walking, we welcome animals that give us another reason for more frequent walks :-)
From our cottage, we are also used to mowing the lawn, watering plants, cleaning up, doing small work,etc.

Why housesitting?
We have a great desire to discover new cultures and customs. As digital nomads - travelling for us started to be a way of lifestyle – getting to know new people, their customs etc. It is a much more than be a tourist. But as we don’t take our dog abroad with us, we miss animals during that time. So housesitting is a really good solution. We are more than happy if we can take care of your animal darling during our stay.

Our AirBnb References:
We have learned about the possibility of housesitting this year so we do not have references here yet. But you can check our 24 ratings through AirBnb here:


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Meine Reisebegleiter
Jan, 38 Jahre alt, insurance assessor and landlord of several flats, Ehepartner / Partner
Sofie, 8 Jahre alt, Kind

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Französisch | Russisch

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