Rumpus p.

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New York, New York, United States

Letzte Aktivität: vor einem Monat

Über Rumpus p.

47 Jahre alt | Retired/Artist | Allein

I'm a 46 year old, retired/self-employed, English speaking, and non-smoking female. I am traveling the world over the past seven years and enjoying experiencing and learning new things.

I'm currently in the western hemisphere.

Back to the rest!

I am quiet, reliable, tidy, and respectful with a special love of looking after pets. I was raised with a number of them and as an adult on my own had two cats into their teens until the second passed away and I started traveling.

Aging pets and their health problems have given me experience and comfort in taking care of dogs and cats that are older, ill or otherwise needing special care. I am especially familiar with sub-cu fluids, medications (pill and injection), bathing, et cetera on cats.

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