Diane p.

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SF, California, United States

Über Diane p.

45 Jahre alt | Registered Nurse

I am a part-time night shift RN who loves to travel and scuba dive. When I am at home, I mostly read, sew, and try in vain to make up the sleep I miss working overnight. I am a good and considerate neighbor. I love trying out new places, and I find inspiration in experiencing how other people live. I also want to spend time caring for and playing with domestic beasts, since I cannot invite one into my current home.

I am glad to help other people enjoy their time away from home, knowing their beloved animals and (and home/belongings) are safe and secure. I think it is a wonderful gift to be invited into someone's home.

I have long-term and short-term experience caring for others' homes and pets, ranging from a 3-year house sublet (owners were living abroad with family) to individual weekends cat or dog sitting. Most recently, I house sat for six months in San Francisco, taking care of two adult cats and random minor house errands as they came up.

I also have decades of personal experience with pet care. I have mostly lived with cats, but have also shared my home with dogs, hamsters, gerbils, rats, guinea pigs, and chameleons. I have monitored chronically ill pets; administered medications: ear drops, eye drops, oral tablets and solutions, subcutaneous fluids and medicines; and managed special pet diets.

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Russisch

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