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Ayer, Massachusetts, United States

Letzte Aktivität: vor mehr als 6 Monaten
Letzte Aktivität: vor mehr als 6 Monaten

Über L.C.

53 Jahre alt | Freelance Editor/Writer | Allein

I'm an animal-loving freelance writer/editor in my early 50s who thoroughly enjoys housesitting and petsitting.

Having spent far too many years of my life in offices - housesitting and petsitting offer an ideal and rewarding lifestyle.

I don’t currently have pets of my own, which makes pet-sitting a joy as I travel to different locales.

I am happy to accept reverse charge phone calls and I can travel for interviews.

I enjoy helping people feel secure and making new animal friends while exploring the world.

I am experienced, meticulous, reliable, trustworthy, quiet, tidy, friendly, non-smoking, and excellent with dogs and cats. I'm also happy to work with reptiles and birds.

As a housesitter my maxim is 'leave no trace' - I excel at leaving homes just as I found them - or tidier.

With pets, I have yet to petsit one who didn't love spending time with me - and I with them.

Having hired both petsitters and housesitters in the past, I understand the level of trust needed to allow a person to care for your pets and home.

I enjoy dog training and get a great deal of satisfaction from working with dogs at all training levels.

I would be happy to help you feel secure, and your pets feel loved and safe, during your time away from home.

I haven’t been hired through Nomador yet, but here are references from individuals I’ve provided pet sitting and housesitting services for:

Lisa has watched my four dogs routinely over the past five years and has done so flawlessly.
She is responsible, timely, wonderful to work with, and most importantly communicates and works with my dogs as if they were her own.
My dogs are rescues with significant health issues that require extra attention and care.
When we leave town I feel confident and comfortable knowing she is staying in my house and caring for my dogs. They are always so excited to see her that they don't even care when I leave!
I highly recommend Lisa to take care of all of your pets as well as house sit while you are gone.
She will love your pets and care for them and your home as if they are her own.
Celeste Wells
United States
(Please message me through Nomador and I will provide you with contact information.)


Lisa Christensen is an excellent dog and housesitter; we couldn't recommend her more highly. She has taken care of several of our dogs over the past few years and they all grew to love and trust her.
Our current dog is excessively anxious and afraid of most everything, but when he and Lisa were first introduced, Lisa patiently sat on the floor with small treats and soft encouragement until he finally understood she was safe. She innately understands how to handle animals. Our dog loves her now and is very excited and happy when she comes to watch him.
Lisa has strong dog-training skills and has often taught our dogs to obey commands that we haven't yet successfully accomplished. Lisa also loves to be in nature, so your dog will get all the walks they need.
Lisa has efficiently handled all the additional housesitting tasks we ask of her while we're out of town and our home is clean and well- taken care of at our return. She keeps us informed daily about how our pets are doing and checks in if she has any concerns about anything. Lisa pays attention to details, communicates clearly and follows any directions you leave
for her. Lisa has earned our complete trust and we never worry about anything while we're on vacation.
We highly recommend Lisa Christensen as a pet and housesitter. She will provide a loving environment for your pets and be responsible and careful with your home.
Kathie & Martin Renzhofer Massachusetts, USA
(Please message me through Nomador and I will provide you with contact information.)


You really couldn't hope for a better pet sitter than what you'll have with Lisa.
She's fastidious, conscientious, reliable and caring above all else.
I had to leave my older, ailing cat, Rocky, to travel across the world to China for seven weeks. Needless to say, it was stressful to anticipate leaving him under someone else's care with everything he needed.
Once the details and processes for him were set up, I felt completely at ease leaving him under her care. I never once worried about him and she kept me abreast of his wellbeing during the trip as requested.
Lisa is responsible, dependable, trustworthy and extremely detail-oriented. I'd recommend her to anyone without hesitation.
Joanne T.
United States
(Please message me through Nomador and I will provide you with contact information.)


Lisa took care of my condo for 5 weeks. In my experience she is a trustworthy and responsible housesitter.
She has a gentle demeanor, is thoughtful with her words, and is a non-smoker. She has a tidy appearance, free of heavy makeup and fragrance.
My home, house plants, and small back garden were well maintained under Lisa's care.She followed all care instructions, and honored my building's "quiet hours" and recycling protocols.
She left my home clean and undisturbed. The kitchen and bathrooms were cleaner than when I left.
It was a great comfort to know a mature and capable person was watching over my home while I traveled. She sent periodic updates, and even shared stunning photos she captured of one of my cacti in bloom.
Lisa showed respect for my home, my neighbors, and community covenants throughout her stay.
I wholeheartedly recommend Lisa as a great steward for your home.
Ashlee B.
Austin, Texas
(Please message me through Nomador and I will provide you with contact information.)

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Französisch | Spanisch

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