Miki p.

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New York, New York, United States

Über Miki p.

80 Jahre alt | Teacher

Cheerful, curious, adventurous. Proud mother of a remarkable woman, auntie to 3 fabulous people, grand-aunt to my sisters 7 grandchildren.

3 careers and @100+ jobs (including fun projects for Apple, quokka and wired). Have been a research scientist, print editor and filmmaker. Now happily retired, I volunteer at Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, Herbst theatre, SF Symphony, SF MoMA and for the National Park Service. I was a healthy aging research participant at UCSF Neuroscience lab and am active on social media.

The most fun I have lately is riding my new electric bike UP hills. Best day of my week is when I take the early morning ferry to Alcatraz, where I help maintain the flower gardens on the island. Have been a volunteer at Yerba Buena Center for the Arts for 22 years. I review films for movieclock.com and IMDb.com and take film history classes at USF.

I directed a local film festival for 3 years, judged a few film festivals, crewed or was background actor in a tv series and major films; wrote, produced, directed and/or edited independent films in Los Angeles and San Francisco. Reviewed the NY and Sundance film festivals for wired.com. Attended TED 2005.

Trained as a sea kayaking guide for handicapped and at risk youth, certified SCUBA diver, competitive swimmer. Danced onstage with the Grateful Dead, twice! Was at Woodstock in 1969.

Survived the 60s and the 70s!

I appreciate solitude, being still and really listening. Glad to be old. My primary job now is to maintain health and well-being.

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