Sharon r.

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Salem, New Hampshire, United States

Über Sharon r.

59 Jahre alt | Co-Founder

We are happily married (almost 30 years!). We are both executives. I'm an entrepreneur who is on sabbatical from a start-up (after 8 years of starting!) and am enjoying a little time to catch my breath and enjoy life. We love to cycle, golf, walk, cook with family and friends. We look forward to exchanging hugs and snuggles from the four-legged ones. Our two boys are in college, so we are freshly minted empty-nesters!

We give our word and we keep it. Which means you can count on us. We are both execs who believe in doing the right thing, even if it's not comfortable. We're honest to a fault, which means we'll tell you if we dropped the medicine down the sink or that FIDO messed on the carpet while we weren't looking. Because we know from experience, even the BEST of dogs and cats get a little (or royally) fussed when suitcases are coming and going. We get that and we'll be patient with your baby(s).

I am a certified meeting planner and project manager. I'm a mom and a spouse. All of which makes me a bit prone to obsessive-level followthrough and accountability. I'm happy when I make someone else's day even better and I LIKE to clean (weird, I know). My parents taught me to leave a place better than it was when I arrived and I love to organize but know when not to.

Launched last kid into college and John took a consulting job near LAX. We are trying to sell our home in New Hampshire and don't want to pay the equivalent of two mortgages by staying at a hotel. The company of a dog or cat would be such a blessing right now and I have oodles of time on my hands while John is at work. Walking the dogs and chilling with the kitties, and other little critters (just no pet tarantulas!) will be an awesome way to enjoy the best of each day.

I had cats for the first 30 years of my life and my first dog at 25. They were shelter cats. Tahtzee our family's Siamese - & Jed, the most amazingly friendly grey tabby - were both so, so special.

John had a retired police dog (JAKE!) when we met, and after Jake passed, we became the proud parents of a lab-pit stray and later, two little Bichons (Havanese & Maltipoo). So, we've had working dogs and velcro dogs and enjoy the unique qualities and personalities of each. Personally, I relate best to silly, goofy dogs (big & small) and John is like a dog whisperer with the working "give me a job" dogs.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
John, 64 Jahre alt, GM, Ehepartner / Partner

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