Sarah p.

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Smyrna, Georgia, United States

Über Sarah p.

46 Jahre alt | Teacher / Consultant

My fiance, Ryan and I will be traveling Europe from February 2018 - August 2018.

About me: Although my first true absolute love is Photography, sadly, it doesn't reliably pay the bills. So instead, I moonlight teaching English online and further supplement my income as a Salesforce Administrator - providing application management for a Customer Relations Software, remotely.

No Master Gardner am I, but I've successfully raised a container garden and lived to enjoy the fruits of my labor - bell peppers galore, garlic, watermelon, lettuces, sugar snap peas, onions, radish .. and tomatoes - sort of. Tomatoes beat me up a little but I managed to salvage enough to feed myself and a couple of the neighbors! It felt like a life win at the time.

About Ryan: his first true love is order. Ryan is a Salesforce Solutions Architect, a very logical thinker and also, he's pretty funny. I know. Odd juxtaposition. He was raised under the paws of watchful puppies and grew up always in the care of multiple large dogs and many, many (many) cats as his family is something of a magnet for strays.

About us: The thing that most excites us about having found this website is that most people, it seems, aren't just looking for a house sitter - but a pet sitter as well. Ryan and I will be leaving our adored Saint Bernard/Mastiff mix breed, Baron, with Ryan's mom and her Great Dane (AKA Baron's best friend) during our travels and it's the only spot of sadness about the whole endeavor for us. So, the realization that there is an arrangement out there that could allow us fur baby love in the interim is something we had to try. In addition to cats and dogs, I've raised fish (Blood Parrot Cichlids) and have experience with birds. We are 100% remote employed so reliable WiFi is the one and only must for us.

We recently pet/house sat for 2 acquaintances (2 weeks & 1.5 weeks, respectively) and for a family friend, (1 month) so we do come with references, although they're not on this site. We also have excellent personal and professional references we can provide. Hope to hear from you soon!

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Ryan, 38 Jahre alt, Salesforce Solution Architect , Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch

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