Anne v.

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Napa, California, United States


Über Anne v.

45 Jahre alt | Winemaker

We are a traveling family. We live on our sailboat (which is currently in New Zealand) but are planning to be in Europe this year to improve our French language skills. I am an avid horse woman having had horses all my life as well as managing a premium horse boarding facility in the Napa Valley for 5 years ( I also grew up on a dairy farm and have had large vegetable gardens most of my life. I have my own winemaking consultancy which I've operated since 2008. My husband is very handy taking care of all our boat / farm / winery maintenance mostly on his own. I've pulled him into my consultancy work and he is now doing General Manager work for a winery as well. He was the winemaker and in charge of the vineyard for a premium winery in the Napa Valley where he farmed his vineyards organically and biodynamically for 10 years. He also loves animals, has a wonderful way with horses who usually "don't like men" and has owned and trained dogs his whole life. We've raised pigs and sheep as well. Our girls grew up with a family dog, cat, birds and chickens but are missing pets during our life on our sailboat. We love animals, sailing, hiking, skiing, riding horses, wine, good food, listening to our girls practice their violin and piano, homeschooling, languages and travel. I hope this finds you well and please let us know if you'd like further information about us. We are very happy to supply references.
Anne V.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Cameron, 50 Jahre alt, Winemaker, Ehepartner / Partner
Adelaide, 17 Jahre alt, Kind
Isa, 15 Jahre alt, Kind

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch

Erhaltene Komplimente

Lokaler Kulturführer
Gibt Neuigkeiten

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Rosa s. s.

Lerrain, France - Mai 2019

Couple très sympathique et sociable. Communique très bien. S'intéresse à tout. Souriant et chaleureux; Je recommande fortement cette famille . Je lui mets 5 étoiles.

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