Nathalie d.

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Sainte-Agathe-des-Monts, Quebec, Canada

Über Nathalie d.

49 Jahre alt | Journaliste


My name is Nathalie and I am a sedentary nomad, which means, I like to travel, but only if I stay for a long time in the same village, in order to get to know the inhabitants and immerse myself in their culture.

I grew up in Brittany (France) and emigrated to Quebec (Canada) in my twenties. I have travelled and lived all over the world since I was a child. I spent about 2 years in Latin America and 3 years in Asia.

I am a reporter for an independent newspaper and I work almost exclusively on the Internet, so I am lucky enough to be able to work from abroad.

I am a beginner on Nomador, but I’ve had several experiences as a housesitter. Among other things, I successively kept 2 houses in Sri Lanka in 2011, for a total period of 5 months. In Chile, in 2017, two of the three places where I did Woofing (volunteering in exchange for housing and food) asked me, after the volunteer period, to keep their home and cat and gave me responsibilities for welcoming clients who were to be housed on their property. I can give you the references on request.

I am a responsible person who will regularly give you news about your home and your animals. I know the importance, for the one who has left, of small details such as finding a meal when he returns, in a clean house.

I don't drink and I don't smoke. I am very quiet and I have made it a habit, when travelling, to return before nightfall.

I really like animals in general and cats in particular. I've owned cats most of my life, but I don't have any now so I can travel more freely. I'm content with my neighbors' cats for the time being. For dogs, I can't say I like all dogs, but if yours is well-behaved, we'll get along well and have a good time together.

Feel free to ask me any questions and tell me any specific needs you may have that I would be pleased to answer. I hope to hear from you, and meet you just before you leave so that you can show me your little piece of paradise, which I assure you I will take good care of.


Je m’appelle Nathalie et je suis une nomade sédentaire, c’est-à-dire que j’aime voyager, mais à condition de rester longtemps sur place, dans le même village, afin de connaître les habitants et de m’imprégner de leur culture.

J’ai grandi en Bretagne et j’ai émigré au Québec dans la vingtaine. J’ai voyagé et habité un peu partout sur la planète depuis

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch | Französisch

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