Anna l.

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Tonbridge, England, United Kingdom

Über Anna l.

45 Jahre alt | English as a Foreign Langauge Teacher

Hi, I'm a solo travelling, nature loving (almost) 40 year old female. I worked as an accountant in the City of London for 20 years but since May 2018 I have been taking a break exploring the world (sadly not the whole world, just beautifully diverse Ecuador, Mexico and Japan so far) satisfying my love of travel and learning about different cultures and languages (Spanish in particular). I am currently re-training to teach English as a Foreign Language so good wifi/ internet access is essential for me.
As a home owner in England and thanks to the various types of homes and accommodation I have been lucky enough to stay in around the world I have extensive experience of looking after different types of homes and treating them and the things within them as I would my own.
I love all animals, which is not surprising considering I am a vegan (but not one of those annoying vegans), and have regularly house and dog/ cat sat over the last 5 years, for a range of time frames.
Both your precious pets and home will be well cared for by me.
References available.
Kindest wishes,

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch

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