Sandra R.

Dieser Benutzer hat mehrere Identitätsdokumente überprüfen lassen und positive Rückmeldungen von der Nomador-Gemeinschaft erhalten.

Antwerp, Flanders, Belgium

Letzte Aktivität: vor 3 Monaten

Über Sandra R.

42 Jahre alt | Interior Designer | Als Paar/Duo

We are Jef & Sandra, a friendly, responsible and non-smoking professional couple (44 and 41) from Belgium.
As experienced housesitters (references below), we love taking care of your home, pets and garden while you're away.

We are clean & tidy and like to live the quiet life.
Jef is a manager in aged care and Sandra is an interior architect.
In our free time we enjoy traveling around the world, meeting new people, cooking, going to design or art exhibitions, hiking, visiting National Parks…
As both of us grew up on the countryside, having a lot different pets/animals around, we love their company and are confident in taking care of them!

Having 7 years experience in looking after more than 30 homes and pets in Australia, New Zealand, France and Belgium, we understand the value of caring for a home and we will look after your house as if it were our own.
Your pets and garden will be our top priority while we're house sitting for you!

We will be available for new assignments from 01/10/2023 onwards.

Feel free to contact us, to have a chat and discuss a possible house/pet sit.

Jef & Sandra


Kim & Michael, Sauviac (France), 2022

"Sandra and Jef were great house and pet sitters, and more than lived up to their fantastic reviews on this site. They were good communicators, keeping us informed with cute pictures of our pets and not needing much support otherwise. They kept our spa in top form, the house humming along happily, and the animals entertained and content. We enjoyed their company in the day before and after our holiday, a very interesting and thoughtful couple. They instilled confidence immediately, and we were perfectly comfortable to enjoy our holiday without any worries - exactly what one wants in a housesitter!"

Catriona, Aniane (France), 2022

"Sandra and Jef arrived safely from Belgium and quite frankly were a joy to have as cat and house and garden sitters. Both spoke excellent english which helped a lot! We shared quite of lot of mid week time together, when I returned from my weekend plant fairs - Jef was great helping me load my van. Thank you both from your help, and company! The cats all were very happy too. I would love them to come back one day and we will stay friends! Could not have asked for kinder or lovelier couple. Happy travels you two!!"

Petra & Sven, Holsbeek (Belgium), 2020, 2021, 2022

"We were very luc

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Jef, 45 Jahre alt, Joiner & Manager Aged Care, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Französisch | Portugiesisch

Erhaltene Komplimente

Sehr freundlich
Gibt Neuigkeiten

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Lara p.

Brussels, Belgium - Februar 2020

Sandra et Jeff sont de très bons cat sitters. Nous avons un chat difficile à soigner et pourtant, lorsque nous sommes rentrés, il était serein et affectueux. Les petites attentions à notre égard étaient charmantes et discrètes. Nous les recommandons!

Ilse j.

Ghent, Belgium - Dezember 2019

Sandra & Jef were a delight to meet and I immediately felt really comfortable leaving my house & cat to them for 5 weeks. I regularly received a picture and an update during my holiday even though i did not specifically ask for them, which was actually very nice :) . And when i came home my cat was so comfortable that it seemed like I never left home. On top of that I came back to a tidy house with all plants still alive (which some of my friends sometime don't achieve when i am away...). So i definitely recommend them!

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