Dawn h.

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Orlando, Florida, United States

Über Dawn h.

68 Jahre alt | Private Security Officer

Hello there, I'm Dawn, I'm 62 and a retiree as of 2016; but I don't intend to go sit in a corner somewhere, I have two great sons who are grown and gone on their own. I've been in the Customer Service Industry over 25 years and as of recent, worked in the Private Security Sector; and I've met a lot of interesting people from all walks of life and visited some really nice places. I would love the opportunity to continue to do both but on leisurely terms. I'm a people person who likes getting the most out of life, lover of animals and loves to give good advice, I also love to visit places where the atmosphere is totally different from my own. I have not officially house sat for anyone out side of family and good friends in Pennsylvania, South Carolina, and Texas, that is why I did my research to find out what it would be like to explore this new way of meeting like minded people and do some travelling along the way.

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