Elena M.

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Encinitas, California, United States

Über Elena M.

63 Jahre alt | Yoga Teacher

I was born and grew up in Russia, on a farm south of Moscow so I know how to take care of all kind of animals. My education happen to be in Pharmacology.

I have moved to USA 26 years ago and lived in Southern California for the last 15 years. I do have close ties to Russia though as my little bundle of joy (granddaughter) lives there, so I travel to Kaliningrad area of RF quite often.
I travel a lot to Asia and am actively involved in helping animals, precisely ocean animal i.e. helping to safe turtles.
Trough my life I have had a dog (Australian Collie) and two black and white Tuxedo cats.

As lovely as Southern California is, I am inspired to see the world and meet wonderful people. That is what I have been doing for a while by teaching Yoga and Meditation in countries like Malaysia, Thailand, Bali. I have rather calm demeanor and joyful predisposition.
I have excellent references from people on AirBnB and CouchSurfing. I did some house and pet sittings for my friends in USA and have references. And now I am ready to travel the world with intention to serve people and their pets. Let me know how can I serve YOU...

My References

From Airbnb:

The moment Elena arrived to my house , I felt I know her since long time a go ! like truly 2 sisters which felt separated for time from each other . such a beautiful unique spirit lady that shines as million stars in the sky with her beautiful smile and impressing wisdom about the life philosophy and her beautiful astral energy ! is absolutely not enough to sit and enjoying of conversation for days and days as is indeed inspiring every one . I can say we became sisters for a life and we will go on together for more and more travels and life experiencing . the sister which i think i lost her some how in my previous life now is here again with me . I must say any one who get a chance to meet Elena on her/his life direction , is an absolutely lucky person ,because she is a gift from the power of universe that every one will not have this opportunity to have . worlds need more human like Elena !
November 2018
Ann Usha, Nordic Borealis Kiruna, Sweden

It was great having Elena and New as guests. I really enjoyed getting to know them and Elena’s adventurous spirit! They were quiet and respectful of the surroundings. They are welcome back anytime!
June 2018
Elise Botch, Carlsbad, CA USA

Elena is a one of a kind woman. She is living her dream and is such an inspiration. I actually may go b

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Russisch

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