Michelle g.

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Campinas, State of São Paulo, Brazil

Über Michelle g.

37 Jahre alt | Environmental Engeener

Hi there! My name is Michelle, I'm 32 years old and a Brazil with a passion for travel. Iam a very responsible womman. I'm currently working in a Italian Company in Brazil, Im environmental engeener.

I Love nature and animals. Today I have two dogs, Mike (Pug) and Luna (Australian Dog). They are live with me, my mother and my brother in Brazil.

I love travel too.

In September, I go study English for one month in New York, and I would like to stay in House Sitting.

Im very polite, patient, responsable.

I am comfortable doing plant watering, cleaning, caring for pets, taking in mail, and anything else that may need completing.

I’m considerate and very neat and clean. I enjoy peace and quiet and am considerate of neighbors. I don’t mind forwarding any mail to you. I can send photo updates to you of your pets and house to give you peace of mind. I’m also a trustworthy, caring and honest person. Your home is your sanctuary and it will be in good hands with me.

If you're interested in contacting me or chatting more about opportunities, please me through this and I'll do my best to reply in hours.

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Portugiesisch

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