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Gleisdorf, Styria, Austria


Über Horst

47 Jahre alt | energy procurement ingenieur

We are a family of 5, Horst (42) and Anita (34) with our children Tobias (12), Lukas (8) and Sophia (5).

We are living in the south of Austria near Graz (Gleisdorf).2018 we spent 5 weeks on a farm in Great Britain (working and looking after the dogs and the cat for 1 week, when the farmer was on holiday) and our children and ourselves liked it very much.
2019 we did Housesitting in France. We took care of a dog and fishes for 3 weeks and we liked it so much, that we want to repeat it

Horst works for the municipal of Graz in the energy sector and takes 3 month off next summer. He loves the voluntary work in a family-centre in our city. He organises father-child- activities (only one rule ? no mummies are allowed) father-child-breakfast with around 60 noses, father-child- trips and father-child-nature camps. Here is a short video: http://ekiz-gleisdorf.at/frontend/vaeter.php He also has building maintenance skills. Horst sorts things out, there are no problems, which cannot get solved. But sometimes he is a little bit unhurried, in the wee hours of the morning it is not so good.

Anita works 1 day in a pre-school-playgroup with 14 children aged between 2 and 4 years. Together with Horst she runs an online-business. She also works in a home office as a transkriptor. Anita is much organised and keeps track of the typical family chaos. She loves baking and cooking for the family and friends. But sometimes she is impatient and she doesn’t likes to keep busy with peanuts.

Tobias is 12 years old and his hobbies are reading, technical things, music, superheroes, playing the violin and judo.
Lukas is 8 years old and his hobbies are constructing, car playing, playing accordion and judo.
Sophia is 5 years old and her hobbies are gymnastics, singing and helping in the kitchen.

We know about working in the garden, our parents have a very little farm (1 pig, 1 cat and a vegetable garden; they had also a few rabbits and a few chicken, dogs and budgies).

Bye and best wishes from Austria!

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Anita, 39 Jahre alt, children educator, Ehepartner / Partner
Tobias, 16 Jahre alt, schooler, Kind
Lukas+Sophia (2014), 13 Jahre alt, schooler, Kind

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch | Spanisch | Französisch

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Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Aurélia j.

Dijon, France - August 2019

Nous avons été conquis par cette famille charmante qui a su nous mettre rapidement en confiance. Leur attention aux consignes laissées ainsi qu au chien ont été parfaitement suivies. Ils ont été également très serviables et amicaux. Ils nous ont envoyé fréquemment des nouvelles de notre chien qui a manifestement passé des jours heureux en leur compagnie ! Une famille que nous recommandons et que nous aurions plaisir à retrouver une prochaine fois.

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