Paul & Elisabeth

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Vienna, Vienna, Austria

Über Paul & Elisabeth

73 Jahre alt | Retired | Als Paar/Duo

We are a young-thinking English/Irish and Austrian couple who are thoroughly enjoying the fun of retirement and its delightful freedom. We love travelling and new experiences. We have been living and working in Costa Rica for many years, but now that we are retired, we are spending up to 6-7 months in and around Austria, Elisabeth's home country. So each year, typically from April to November, we happily rediscover Europe . For a visual profile of us, please see our photo album at!

But freedom comes at a cost - we miss animals! After years of enjoying plenty of dogs, from ex-shelter mutts and a St Bernard to many incredibly soft Rottweilers, our last dearly-loved Rottie died shortly after we moved 2 years ago from our own house to a smaller rented one in Costa Rica. House sitting seems an excellent way to reconnect to animals as well as being a chance to explore a new and exciting place.

Elisabeth is beyond passionate about animals: she had a home menagerie as child with goats, chickens, hamsters, rabbits; she studied at one point to be a vet; she had several cats; she has done dog-training courses, and she has rescued a macaw, boas and opossums in recent years. And let's not forget her many years of horse-riding and dressage, coupled with owning and looking after horses during this time. So we hope to look forward to caring for your animals!

We are both active, enjoying biking, tennis, squash, walking, as well as being incurable book worms. Of course worms are animals too!

As we have just discovered the concept of house sitting, we lack references. That makes us particularly keen to win excellent recommendations that will help us house-sit in the future. Right now we provide references on us from our many years of renting homes with airBnB.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Elisabeth, 65 Jahre alt, Retired, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Französisch | Spanisch | Deutsch

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