Mitra O.

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Wien, Wien, Austria

Letzte Aktivität: vor einem Monat

Über Mitra O.

52 Jahre alt | Cultural Manager, self-employed & Media Manager at University of Applied Sciences | Allein

I am a 50y-year old PR-Journalist, living in Vienna, Austria. I'm working as a Media-Manager at the University of Applied Sciences in Vienna and as self employed culture-manager, so I'm highly interested in culture, people, thoughts and of course, PETS! I grew up with a bunch of dogs and plenty of cats, always surrounded by one of them by day and night. Due to my way of living in the moment (I'm arranging concerts, readings and comedy evenings and working during the week) there's is no place for a cuddly dog or cat and I miss this feeling enormously.

It'll be my first housesit. As I am writing a book, I am happy with caring for your pets and house in a new surrounding and being alone with the book-people in my head ;)
Lets shake hands and paws - I'm looking forward to getting to know you!

I wish you all Merry X-Mas and a HAPPY NEW YEAR!

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch | Spanisch

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