Christian R.

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Vienna, Vienna, Austria

Letzte Aktivität: vor 3 Monaten

Über Christian R.

61 Jahre alt | System-Programmer | Als Familie

We are a family of four from Vienna/Austria. We are all huge animal lovers and the kids are very tender and respectful and of course love to give lots of cuddles and belly rubs if the animals feel up for it.

We have lived with Dogs, Cats, Turtles, Fish and Birds and have lots of experience in gardening.

My Wife (Kathi) grew up on the countryside so she also has at least some experience with horses, chickens, pigs, cows etc.

We have looked after numerous friends' and neighbors' pets and houses before too.

We love to travel and being able to spend time with animals as well. This makes the experience of travelling extra special for us!

Why we want to house sit

We love to see many places of our beautiful planet, so that our children too can learn from different people, different cultures, different animals and explore different climates.

Our experience

We startet housesitting in Australia and loved it. All have been great experiences with many activities. We have met so many different dogs, and all of them were very cute and careful to the kids. And they really grow with that experience and the love they can give to the animals.They learn different languages and have contact to many people of different cultures. They are very openminded and love to get in contact.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Kathi, 37 Jahre alt, Ehepartner / Partner
Enio, 14 Jahre alt, Kind
Inara, 9 Jahre alt, Kind

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch

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