Diane d.

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Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Über Diane d.

71 Jahre alt | Retired Secondary School Teacher

I am a retired secondary school English and guidance Teacher and my husband continues to work as a university Professor. (He speaks several languages including French, Spanish and Italian.) We are active and healthy and have two grown children and one grandchild. Our home base is in Toronto, Canada but whenever possible we like to travel.
We own a small home in the centre of the city which we renovated and newly landscaped several years ago. We started out by hiring someone to help maintain the new gardens but over the years I’ve taken over the job myself. I have a keen eye for design and changes in the gardens and, I thoroughly enjoy the work!
We had a wonderful Labrador retriever named Roy who was with us for 12 years. He passed away recently and will be forever missed. We are not ready to take on the full time responsibility of owning another dog but would appreciate an opportunity to share in the love and care for other peoples’ animals on a short term basis.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Ivan, 76 Jahre alt, University Professor, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch | Spanisch | Französisch

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