Julia B.

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Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia

Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 10 Tagen
Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 10 Tagen

Über Julia B.

44 Jahre alt | Self Employed: Pilates instructor | Allein

I’m Jules and currently residing in Gold Coast Australia but travel regularly between Bali and my vacation house in Puglia. I have two companies so I work for myself which allows me to work remotely as well as travel for work. Im, 44, single and my kids are now adults (23, 24) so I travel alone. I love exploring and meeting new people. I love animals, cats horses dog bunnies ect. And would love to be able to enjoy time away, with some furry friends so you can also travel and enjoy yourself. I enjoy reading, eating out at local cafes or restaurants, wine and Netflix at home, shopping, hiking. I’m low key relaxed, don't smoke and too old and lazy to be into parties. Love the outdoors and wandering cities.

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Martine k.

Étiolles, France - August 2019

Couple charmant que nos deux toutous ont visiblement apprécié. A recommander

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