Gina h.

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South Salem, Ohio, United States

Über Gina h.

64 Jahre alt | Registered Nurse (retired)

Hello. Gary and I are both retired. I am a retired registered nurse and Gary retired from the Air Force. He retired several years ago and we have been waiting for my retirement so we could travel more. Even though we have been limited in free time, we managed to see much of the United States. We prefer vacation rental homes over hotels. We usually stay at VRBO or Airbnb rentals. When I stumbled onto the Nomador site, I thought “this is for us”. We can now venture into the rest of the world.
We have one older cat (the last of four sisters) and talk about getting a dog, but so far we just babysit our sons dog. We love animals and understand the dilemma of finding a caring person to love them, as we do, while traveling.
Gary and I live on a 20 acre property (approximately 5 acres mowed). We also have gardening experience. We had a garden for about five years. We finally tired of growing beautiful produce just to have the raccoons and deer pick it the night before I planned to harvest.
We hope you choose us to take care of your home and pets and please know we will treat them like our own.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Gary, 73 Jahre alt, Retired Air Force, Ehepartner / Partner

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