Mayra s.

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Taboão da Serra, São Paulo, Brazil

Über Mayra s.

33 Jahre alt | Fotógrafa

Mayra and Alex

Couple responsible, dedicated, experienced, animal lovers.

We are a young couple, responsible, honest, dedicated, detailing, calm, non-smokers, reliable and ethical, we are from São Paulo, Brazil, I am a Photographer and my Spouse Alex is a Musician. We love our home and we take care of it with dedication and love, we work during the day and we love arriving in our home after a tiring day of work, to see our dog and to rest. We are a Christian couple and educated. We have a German shepherd dog that we love, we take him to walk before and after work, we feed and we care with much love, it will be a privilege to take care of their animals and not an obligation. We both have a driver's license and a car.

We love to travel in our "free" time, since we have vacations once a year, it is a therapy for us to meet new places, new people and to experience new customs and culture, there is so much beauty in the world and caring for houses and pets allows us to live in a way that would otherwise be impossible. We firmly believe that pets need attention, time to play, love and care not only for food and water. We know the concern of leaving home in a long period and leaving our pets at home, but we have our country that take care of them when we are out, we want to leave them carefree also while you are enjoying your travels, knowing that your little animals will be well care for us, will be a pleasure.

We have our house, we love to live in it, we always keep it organized and clean, with the experience since small with pets we know how to guarantee their health and well-being, we know quickly signs of danger and act fast in case of emergency. We are an active couple, and we take responsibility before leisure. We look forward to taking care of your pet and your home, respecting them as if it were ours.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Alex, 34 Jahre alt, Realtor, Ehepartner / Partner

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