Luciano terra d.

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Manaus, State of Amazonas, Brazil

Über Luciano terra d.

58 Jahre alt | Consultor

I work with Consulting in Business Management and manage the lease of some real estate in Brazil. I work online, this gives me flexibility, I just need a good internet connection.

I recently discovered the Nomador and was happy with the possibility of uniting two things that give me satisfaction: travel and pets.

I am a very orderly and responsible person so I will honor the opportunity to take care of your home and your Pet so that you have the necessary tranquility while you are away.

I have a schnauzer bitch, who appears with me in the photos, and I have a lot of love for animals.

I have already had the opportunity to make several trips, but as I was not aware of this modality, I do not yet have references, but I can open information about my AIRBNB account that I have used several times, both in Brazil and in other countries.

I can provide any documentation or personal references necessary for you to rest easy about me as I know that I am starting here and I know that it is important to be totally transparent and trustworthy.

If you consider accepting me to take care of your home and your PET, I can arrive in advance so that you can get to know me and evaluate me more appropriately, besides you being more comfortable I will also have time to learn to do everything right in your house .

My goals with travel are to meet new places, interact with other cultures, learn, whenever possible, new languages ??and make new friends around the world.

I'll be happy to provide more information if you are interested. Health and peace!

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