Gizeli P.

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Florianópolis, State of Santa Catarina, Brazil

Letzte Aktivität: vor einem Monat

Über Gizeli P.

44 Jahre alt | Assistente Administrativo | Als Paar/Duo

We are Gizeli and Fernando, mother and son. I, Gizeli, am 44 years old, my son Fernando is 20 years old. We are Brazilian and we both have Luxembourg citizenship (we have passport and ID). In 2023 I spent 6 months in Europe traveling through the Workaway website, while Fernando finished his studies in systems analysis and development in Brazil. I returned in December for the end of year festivities and for his graduation, now I want to resume this wonderful experience of seeing the world and now with the best company, my son. We both work remotely, me as a financial assistant and Fernando as a developer. Our habits are simple, we don't like drinking or going to night parties, we prefer walking to see new places, reading or watching films or series. Our experience with animals? Our family has always had pets (at the moment my mother has a dog and my sister has four cats and I already had an aquarium). In every house I stayed in during my trip there were animals that I interacted with and helped take care of. About language, I'm learning English, during my travels I used Google translate to make it easier and Fernando can communicate well. Ultimately, we are calm and responsible people and we will take care of your home and your friend with dedication and always following your recommendations so that your friend misses you as little as possible while you are away.
My Workaway profile:

Mit Google übersetzen

Meine Reisebegleiter
Fernando, 21 Jahre alt, Desenvolvedor de Sistemas, Andere

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Portugiesisch | Englisch

Erhaltene Komplimente

Sehr freundlich

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Markus R.

Nürnberg, Germany - Juli 2024

Gizeli und Fernando sind sehr ruhige und angenehme Housesitter. Sie haben in unserer Abwesenheit sehr gut auf unsere Wohnung und unsere beiden Katzen aufgepaßt. Unsere Katzen waren sehr angetan von den beiden.

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